My Attendance
My Attendance
Event Details
Agenda coming soon.
Member Meeting Etiquette and Ground Rules
Members are all passionate, come from all walks of life and backgrounds, but have a common mission: to improve the health of New Mexico families by creating supportive environments in which breastfeeding is the cultural norm. We strive to bridge the gap in breastfeeding disparities and are committed to making sure all families have the support they need to reach their breastfeeding goals. Therefore, at local and statewide meetings, we will all participate using the following ground rules:
- Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain.
- Praise, affirm, and uplift.
Treat everyone with respect and respect their views
- Actively listen and ask questions.
- Don’t interrupt. Allow people to finish making their point.
- Don’t monopolize the discussion. Make your point clearly and concisely.
- Try to honestly see things from the other person’s point of view.
- When there is disagreement, begin with sincere praise. Confrontation means “bringing heads together” to create a better idea.
- Respect the views of all participants.
Meeting Etiquette
- Arrive at the meeting on time.
- Be prepared to be productive, having read documents sent before the meeting.
- Participate. We need your ideas.
- If the group is not able to reach consensus, it may be wise to table the discussion.
- Avoid electronic distractions. Turn off cell phones.
- Keep side conversations to a minimum.