Lactation Lotería
Lactation Lotería is a game of luck and chance with a breastfeeding twist!
We will be holding a round of Lactation Lotería on August 7th during The Big Latch On Without Borders/ La Grand Tetada.
Please fill out this form to register.
How to Play
What To Do:
Jessica will the the 'caller.' We will be playing Lotería live during The Big Latch On Without Borders/ La Grand Tetada on August 7th. To prepare for the game, you will need to:
- *Print out the attached lotería images (here)
- Cut them up
- Choose 16 cards for the first game. Lay them out, 4 cards by 4 cards (see example below)
- Have beans or other small objects on hand to place on the cards as they get called out
*Don't have access to a printer? No problem! Scroll down to learn how to play on your phone!
How To Play:
Jessica will call out a card and show it to the camera
If one of your cards is called, place a bean on it
Once all of your cards have been filled out, shout 'Lotería' and you've won!
In between each round, be sure to choose new cards.
Good luck!
Zoom Information
We will be holding a round of Lactation Lotería on August 7th during The Big Latch On Without Borders/ La Grand Tetada.
Fill out this form to register.
What is Lotería?
Lotería, which means ‘lottery’ in Spanish, is a popular game of chance and luck in Mexico. Similar to Bingo, in Lotería there is a ‘caller’ who calls out a certain card and each player has a 16 cards in front of them. If the player has the card that the caller calls out, they place a bean on the card. The player wins if they have a four called out cards in a row or a cluster. When the player wins, they shout out, “Lotería!’
In Lotería, instead of numbers the players use cards with images on them. While traditionally there are 54 cards of everyday objects, in Lactation Lotería we will be using 24 cards of breastfeeding and chestfeeding images!
Lactation Loteria Cards
Play On Your Phone
*Don't have access to a printer? No problem!
Follow the instructions below:
1. Choose one of the following pre-made loteria boards
2. Take a screenshot of the board on your phone (iPhone: hold down the home button and sleep/wake button, or hold down the power button and volume up button. Android: hold down the power button and volume button)
3. Using your phone photo editor, make a mark on each loteria card as it's called out