Conference Details
Join us
for the
2020 Annual Conference
Advanced Concepts in Breastfeeding
Postpartum Care: Bridging the Gap Between Birth & Home
This educational activity has been approved for 10 total Social Work CEU’s Approved by NASW-NM
featuring Keynote Speaker
Nils Bergman, MD, MPH, PhD
About Dr. Bergman
Dr. Bergman’s primary professional interest revolves around Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC), and the underlying perinatal and developmental neuroscience. His diverse background explains his broader public health approach to supporting and promoting the global dissemination of maternal-infant skin-to-skin contact. Since 2006 he has been devoting himself full time to this, and is a popular speaker at conferences and workshops. When not traveling and lecturing, he does research based at the University of Cape Town.
After graduating from the University of Cape Town, Dr Bergman started his medical career as a mission doctor in Manama Mission, Zimbabwe. It was there that he began his work with KMC. During his seven years in Zimbabwe he completed a doctoral dissertation (Clinical Pharmacology, MD = unsupervised PhD) on deadly scorpion stings. He initiated Home Based Care programs for HIV/AIDS. He introduced KMC to South Africa in 1995, and after 5 years, KMC became official policy for care of prematures in the hospitals of the Western Cape province. During this time he completed a Masters in Public Health. He was for 6 years Senior Medical Superintendent of the Mowbray Maternity Hospital and five Midwife Obstetric Units, overseeing 18000 births per year. His last posting was as a technical advisor to the health department on health reform.
He enjoys sharing the wildlife of Africa with his wife and three children.
- Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North | 5151 San Francisco Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109